Team Allocation Training Session Information

16 Mar 2024 by Chris Maidorn

Hi everyone,

For those of you who have completed our Google form, thanks, and we look forward to seeing you at both of our team allocation sessions on Monday 18 March and Monday 25 March at the outdoor netball courts near the rear of Amaroo School. Please remember you need to attend both team allocation sessions or let us know prior to each session if you can’t attend. If you do miss one or both of our team allocations sessions and don’t let us know of your unavailability beforehand, we may not be able to guarantee you a spot on one of our teams.

Please ensure your children do the following for all training sessions including the team allocation sessions:- bring a full water bottle- wear appropriate clothing to train- wear appropriate sport shoes for playing netball

For safety reasons, we are also required to observe the following rules for our competition and they are also part of the Rules of Netball. These rules apply at all training sessions and during matches:

- Long hair must be suitably tied back (for example in a ponytail, plait or braided).

- fingernails are to be short and rounded.

- No jewellery is permitted, with the exception of a wedding band or medic alert bracelet, either of which, if worn, must be securely covered with tape and/or padding.

- Earrings/piercings cannot be taped and must be removed.

Please try to arrive around 10 or 15 minutes early for your first team allocation session to allow time to get checked off of our list and to try on a uniform if you need one. All new players will need a uniform. As a reminder the timings for the team allocation sessions are as follows:

NetSetGo Set (boys and girls born in 2016 or 2017): 4.30 to 5.30pm
NetSetGo Go (boys and girls born in 2014 or 2015): 4.30 to 5.30pm
Juniors (boys and girls born in 2012 or 2013): 4.30 to 5.30pm
Intermediates (girls born in 2009, 2010 or 2011): 6 to 7pm
Mixed Intermediates (boys and girls born in 2009, 2010 or 2011): 6 to 7pm
Cadets (girls born in 2006, 2007 or 2008): 6 to 7pm
Mixed Cadets (boys and girls born in 2006, 2007 or 2008): 6 to 7pm

The courts can be accessed from Horse Park Drive adjacent to the car park for the ACT CDS Drop and Go Point near the Amaroo playing fields as shown in image1 attached.

If the car park adjacent to the netball courts is full there is additional parking available as marked in image2 attached.


Chris Maidorn


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